Fifa Market Bot – Manual


After .zip download, just extract all contenent into a new folder in Documents or Desktop (Avoid to use Programs folder or C:\ , cause require privilege to write file into).
Make sure you have installed Microsoft Framework 4.7.2 or program can’t run.
If you did everything right on startup Fifa Market Bot will start to download  Players info and images, can require also 10/15 minutes, this thing happen everytime bot require Inventary update.

Setup New Account:

At this point after download of Players Inventary, Fifa Market Bot will require license info before can run, then you just enter your email (website) and subscription number (do not confuse with order number), bot will open right page on web site when ask it. Then it will show Instance Tab, where you can setup your Fifa Account:
To Add new account just click on “Add” button then will show a new windows where you can enter your Info:

Fifa Market Bot - Manual

Persona Index: is used when you have multiple club on same account, just increase it if bot select wrong account, if you don’t have multiple club just leave to 0.
Security code: first time you use a new device Ea will require to authenticate with a security code alias twofactor, this mean bot will require until 3 times this code cause it emulate 3 different platform (WebApp, FifaCompanion(Android/Ios), you can choice:

  • Ask : then will show a popup when request this code, that EA will send you on your email, this is mean you must be on PC when happen
  • Imap: in this mode you can configure your Imap setting on Imap tab, this mean bot will read your email to get this code when EA will send you
  • AppAuth: in this mode, after you enable it on EA web site, bot can generate security code by it self and provide to EA when ask it. Rember to put App Auth key.
  • BackupCodes: in this mode you must enter on BackupCode tab a list of backup code that you can get from > account > account security > backupcode, this is recommended choice.

Note: Just a simple note that you can see on Instances tab, it is just for you, you can enter what you wanna.
Mask Account: It is just for make video and Hide account name.
Use Sell Api: It enable this account to sell coins with sell api mode.

Fifa Market Bot - Manual

Application Background: will change background color of account Instance when window will be loaded.
Application Color: will change foreground color of account Instance when window will be loaded.
Trade pile size: according on your Fifa Account Trade Pile size you can Expand until 100 on your console
Auction list size: according on your Fifa Account WatchList size you can Expand until 100 on your console
Scheduler Id: you can select a profile to use with scheduler (scheduler must be create before you can select it, in next part will show how to do it)
Profile Id: all accounts for default option use “default” profile, you can edit or create a new one like schedulere Id
Proxy Id: you can select a profile to use with a web proxy (proxy must be create before you can select it, in next part willl show how to do it)

After that you can click on “Save” then account will be put into Instances Tab

Setup a Profile/Scheduler/Proxy:

On Profile tab you can setup different profiles: Profile,Scheduler,Proxy:

Fifa Market Bot - Manual

You can Edit (with first button, pen) Default Profile or create a new one with “Add” button, second button (monitor) will show on last Column accounts that use this profile, then will be more easy to know what accounts are affected by this profile, last button will delete account profile. You can not do this action with default profile (when you delete account profile all accounts that use it will be revert to use default profile).

Fifa Market Bot - Manual

Min/Max operation delay: Random delay in seconds that bot add between cycle
Minute Pause / Running Minutes: How much minutes bot Run then go into PauseAuto mode
Min user Coins Left: How much coins bot leave on account without use them
Rotate Platform Time: How much minutes bot wait before change platform (Chrome > Android > Iphone)
Max Minute Daily: How much minutes bot can Run for 24h (pause excluded)
Max Request Daily: How much global request bot can do for 24h
Disable Bin ref Shared: We recommend to not enable it, it will disable price share between accounts and save a lot of requests
Load List At Startup: Will load select list on startup, will be ignored if you use scheduler

You can create a new Scheduler with “Add” button, second button (monitor) will show on last Column accounts that use this profile, then will be more easy to know what accounts are affected by this profile, last button will delete account profile.

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
You must select Start Scheduler At, with your local datetime, Close At will auto update with actions that you will add it (you can not directly change it)
The first action must be always RunList and require you must create before a Market list and save it into Config Folder, after that you must setup Run in minutes then bot on startup will load this list and Run for X minute. You can also add other actions: Pause (bot will stop for X minutes, next action after it must be always Run/RunSellOnly/RunBuyOnly), Run (resume session after Pause), RunSellOnly(resume session after pause and setup current list with Sell Only mode), RunBuyOnly(resume session after pause and setup current list with Buy Only mode).
If you use two times in a row for RunSellOnly/RunBuyOnly like in example status auto reset.
If you wanna edit Action must be selected then press Edit button (pen), you will see “Add” button change name to “Edit”

About how configure web Proxy profile is auto explain by it self.
About instead “Funcaptcha” button on tab this is mean Bot will trigger Funcaptcha request for base ip (without proxy) then you can solve a funcaptcha, this mode is userfull if you trigger so much funcaptcha, as you know funcaptcha is Ip based and everytime you faild they will request +1 image to solve. Basic idea is always stay under 2 images to solve them.
If you added web Proxy you will see same icon on tab then you can trigger a Funcaptcha with web proxy IP instead your IP.

Main Settings:

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
Application Background: will change background color of main window.
Application Color: will change foreground color of main window .
Beep On Error: your computer will make a beep when Instance go into Error.
Disable Check Update: bot will ask to update if detect an update every 3 hours, we recommend to not enable it.
Sell Api: A the moment is Disabled, will be update soon.
Send Mail on Error: Bot will send you a email if you configure smtp parameters, when there is a error, atm provider supported: hotmail/live/outlook (gmail not work)
FutBin Time: As you know futbin report last time they update results, if more older than this value bot will ignore it.
Analyzer Check: how many minutes before bot will check again same item to generate stats
Funcaptcha Mode: How to solve funcaptcha: Ask (will show a windows then user must resolve it by it self), Disable (bot will logoff account then use must solve it into WebApp), FutBotSolver (bot will solve by it self), AntiCaptcha (bot will use thirdParth service, then you must setup AntiCaptcha Key)
Send Email on Fun Trigger: Bot will send you a email everytimes it found a funcaptcha (require smtp setup)

Force Player Db Up: will update on background Players inventory, will require 15/20 minutes before  you can see update on search list


This Fut Market Bot can Analyzer Players/Items value between time, then it will help to find profittable items to make coins, one of the main key you just add items that you wanna check then load fifa instances. Bot will check Trade Closed to determinate the real Market value, as you know many bots use the min BIN to determinate the price of items, but this dont give us any information about how many people bought this items and about price. This tool do this job and avoid people waste coins and times with unprofittable items.
This list it is shared between active Instances then if you add PS4 item and loaded only Xbox Instances you don’t ge any result for it.
Fifa Market Bot - Manual
Vol H48:
Tell us how many trade closed bot found in last 48h (as you can understand bot will check a small part of market (if many results on market), but give us idea if items is good or not)
Min H48: Tell us “nearest consecutive min” found in the last 48h
Max H48: Tell us “nearest consecutive max” found in the last 48h
Avg H48: Tell us the average value in the last 48h
Est Prof: Tell us estimate profit if we consider last 48h

Note: when you add new item on search window must use “balance” icon to add item on analyzer list, it will ask also what platform to use, make sure you select right platform. Bot will check trade closed then require a couple of time before can show data and require also couple of result before can determinate something. This is why we recommend to wait 4/6 hours before think about profitable of item.

You can also use chart button that will show Item trend, when it get enought information, more time you run more point you will see, more precise will be.

Fifa Market Bot - Manual



You can check your profit for Item, then you can better understand market evolution and how much profit you gain with Stats tab

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
Vol : Tell us how many items you sold in the last 30 days
Tot Prof: Total profit of the last 30 days
Avg Prof: Average profit of the last 30 days
Vol 24: Tell us how many items you sold in the last 24 hours
Tot Prof H24: Total profit of the last 24 hours
Avg Prof H24: Average profit of the last 24 hours

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
You can get also better information with Item Chart: it will show every 6 hours Min/Max Profit and  Average Profit, then you can better understand market evolution between time

Start a Instance:

If you select the Email on Instances tab will show other information about your Instance like in picture:

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
Status: Show actual instance state can be: NotLoaded, PauseManual (setup by user), PauseAuto (setup by profile), PauseRequest (setup by profile, you made more request for hours), LimitRequest (setup by profile, you made more request daily), LimitTime (setup by profile, you runned more than daily timer), Error (something wrong), Run.
Run: How much minutes this instance runned in the last 24h (also if you unload it, it will show minutes, cause session reset it is every 24h after first instance run, then when you load it again it will increase this number).
Est Profit: Items on Trade pile estimate profit value.
Scheduler: True/False if scheduler is enable or disable you can change status with 6th button (you can not enable a scheduler if not setup scheduler Id)
StartAt/CloseAt: Datetime value is valid only if scheduler is true or will be ignored

Buttons: (left to right) Unload Instance, Load Instance, Show Window of active Instance, Set Pause/Resume (change status  PauseManual / Run), Show Account Profit Chart, Enable/Disable Scheduler, Edit Account

Note: Pause/Resume button can change status only if is in Error/PauseManual/Run status, then can’t resume a session if is in Limit/PauseAuto mode cause they will resume by it self.

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
This is the Account Coins Gained with time, it will auto delete results more older than 30 days, It show the profit gained between days and numbers of requests did it (just for debug purpoise), you can use Session folder > accountsStat.json with thirdpart software.


Fifa Account Instance:

Fifa Market Bot - Manual

If load instance then click show instance button you will get this Instance Window. If no error found you will see your current coins on top and other information about your account:

Total Request G|S|B|T: show how much request you did in last 24h (they will be reset on session change, after 24h after first time you start it) G =Global, S = Search, B = Bid, T = Trade
In Stuck S|B|T: as you know if you make so much requests for platform EA will stuck your platform for a while 1-3h to avoid this issue bot will change platform, the stuck can be for Search, Bid, Trade
FunCaptcha: how much time this account trigger funcaptcha in the last 24h
Account Hacc: the result is a hash string, and you can use it to see on main page of bot: top 10 profit of last day if is generated by your account
Platform In Use: the current platform, if you change value bot will login again after 2 minutes
Pause: Pause bottom have same purpoise of pause/resume on main task window then: can change status only if is in Error/PauseManual/Run status, then can’t resume a session if is in Limit/PauseAuto mode cause they will resume by it self.

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
The Watch List is the same of WebApp, you can see items that bot try to win:
Con: contract left of player, not applicable with items.
Fit: fitness left of player, not applicable with items.
Max Bid: max bid that bot can allow.
Coins Locked: mean coins value of all cards of watchlist, if one card is outpid this value is not count.

Note: Bot not always update price when they going into outbid, if they are not near to expire, then you don’t need to care about it, when some items are near to expire bot will not make any new search or do other things, just keep in torch auctions and make bid if need it.

Fifa Market Bot - Manual

The Trade Pile is the same of WebApp, you can see items that you wanna sell:
Target Bid: the price of Start Bid, that bot will setup.
Target Bin: the price of BIN, that bot will setup.
QSell: is the QuickSell on WebApp look like you wanna trash an item.
USell: is Undersell, as you know bot don’t undersell item, cause it know bought price then don’t try to relist it to lower price if you don’t force with this selection.
Skip: bot will skip to relist, to place again in market this item, usually we don’t recommend to use this function cause increase trade requests.
Mule Code: at the moment must be implement, you can ignore it.
Estimate Value: mean coins value of all cards of trade pile.
Estimate Profit: mean profit value of all cards of trade pile.

Note: Bot not always relist, list items, so faster, usually it try to scheduler much more operation at same time instead do everyaction one by one, this is mean can require also 5-8 minutes before you can see a changes. Bot will setup price for items that you have in market list, items not in market list but in expired mode not idle will be relisted, items in idle mode not in market list bot will try to setup correct price with min BIN from FutBin or builtin system if is not a player.
You can also double click on Targ Bid of item and enter your manual price then do the same for Targ Bin.

Market List:

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
Now we are in the kernel of the bot, here you can Add a new items, Load from file, Save list into a file, Setup BuyOnly or SellOnly for Selected Items.
After you added couple of Items (we’ll show in next part) after a while you will get couple of informations, you can click on item to expand the tab and show them:
Search Proc: mean how many times bot search this item on market.
Search Zero: mean how many times bot search this item on market and not get any result (can happen if your buy price it is too lower then no results on market)
Search TOver: mean how many times bot search this item on market, found good results for bid but time left from expire of this items is more than item setup, look like you setup bid only items 15 m from expire and results for search are all over 15 minutes like 20,30,40 minutes from expire.
Auction Lost: mean how many bids bot lost, can happen if your buy price is too lower than your competitors
Bought/Sold: how many items bot bought / sold
Skip: if one item is on skip enable, bot will check only price but not will buy/sell items.
Buy Price Limit: you can setup buy price limit by your self, then bot never try to buy item much more than this price, also if try to update price by it self.
Buy Start At: if more than 0 bot will make first bid at this price if possible, instead to bid to lower value available.
Buy Price: max buy price for this item.
Sell Price: the price of start bid on trade pile.
BIN Ref: BIN reference when bot working with BIN mode it will show the price when available (0 if not found yet), -1 when is in manual price or ML mode.
Min Profit: Min profit possible with buy/sell price setup, as you know bot can buy items also to lower value or people can buy items with BIN instead start bid, then real profit can be much more.
Buy Limit: if -1 bot don’t buy any new items (like BuyOnly button), 0 default status then no restriction, > 0 is how much items bot will buy then will stop to buy them.
Sell Limit: if -1 bot don’t sell any new items (like SellOnly button), 0 default status then no restriction, > 0 is how much items bot will sell then will stop to sell them.
Max Process: how many items of same type can use (in Buy+in Sell+in Unassigned) this mean if i setup 4 and i have 3 in trade pile bot will bid only 1 item on watchlist.


Add Item To Market List:

Fifa Market Bot - Manualif you click on “Add” button on market list you can add a new item on a current Instance, you can choice from Players to Items, when you wanna add new one just click on Plus Icon, (Balance icon will be add item on Analyzer instead Market list)

When you choice to Add a new Player on your Market list you need first to setup it. About Max Process, Max Buy/Sell Limit you can get info in previous section, on market list
Price Method: FutBinSteps (only for Players), BinStep, Manual, MLPrice

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
In this example we use FutBinSteps: this is mean the price that will use for BIN ref will get from FUTBIN web site, after that bot will use Sell/Buy Steps to determinate Sell/Buy Price:
The same setting option is applicable for BinStep, that will use builtin price system instead use FUTBIN.

About Step: as you know you can not enter all values but example items from 150 to 1000 have 50 increment (1 step) 100 (2 step), if item from 1000 to 10000 have 100 (1 step) increment 200 (2 step).
How it is work: example this player is 800 coins on Ps4 according with FutBin, if we use -1 step (sell) this mean our sell price should be 750 (800 – 50 (1 step)) rember Sell price = Start Price on Trade Pile, after that bot will calculate tax 750 – 5% = 712,5 > round 700, because our buy step is 1, this is mean positive profit step then 700 – 50 (1 step of profit) our buy price should be 650

Then on our market list when bot will check price of this item you will see BIN Ref and Buy/Sell price setup with with this setting.

Start At Price Step: this is mean how bot work when make first bid (then will not apply if we use BIN), X < 0 number of step under buy price, 0 use lower bid possible, 1 use same buy price (alias bid sniping)
BIN ref % Limit: bot will check last 24h and make average of previous BIN ref if new BIN ref is more than X % of average will not update BIN ref and use previous, this is a protection for market spike

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
If we use Manual price method we can enter exact price for Buy/Sell

Start At Price: this is mean how bot work when make first bid (then will not apply if we use BIN), -1 use same buy price (alias bid sniping), 0 use lower bid possible, X > 0 use this price if available for first bid

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
A new features on history of Fifa bot is price calculated with Machine Learning by our service, the step system working like previous example but this time we use Sell/Buy steps to 0 cause we wanna use the exact values (buy/sell/startAt prices) provider by Machine Learning, you can increase o decrease step if wanna change the final buy/sell price also if we do not recommend that.

Start At Price Step: this is mean how bot work when make first bid (then will not apply if we use BIN), X < 0 number of step under buy startAt provider by ML (not confuse with Buy), 0 use start At prodiver by ML, 1 use same buy price (alias bid sniping), 2 use lower bid possible.

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
After that We can configure General Settings:

Max Time Left: bot will bid only items that will expire within X minutes (not applicable with BIN)
Update Market Price: How many minutes before bot will recalculate BIN ref
Next Item Search: How many minutes before bot will search and do BIN/BID for this item (If BIN sniping only is selected this times switch to seconds instead minutes)
BIN Times Over Sell: As you know Sell Price is Start Price on Trade pile, with 1 step this mean BIN price should be 1 step over Sell Price, if 0 will be setup max BIN possible
BIN Sniping Only: instead to BID and BIN at same time, bot will do only BIN and Next Time will be in Seconds instead Minutes

You can also setup a generic players instead one specific with PSearchbutton on Search Window (Tab Players), more parameters you use more easy should be find target Players

Fifa Market Bot - Manual
Min Bid Search:
min bid price to search (parameter)
Man Bid Search: max bid price to search (parameter)
Others Settings: same of standard items

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